Building a custom dashboard

By default, Localytics tracks a few different metrics on your main dashboard. But maybe the main dashboard doesn’t quite align with your top-level metrics. Or maybe you just want to see more data at a glance.

That’s where custom dashboards come in!

Custom dashboards give you access to data that is otherwise buried in your standard dashboards. You can add just about any report with analytics data to your custom dashboard. You can also create multiple dashboards to leverage different data.

To build a custom dashboard from Analytics reports:

  1. Go to Analytics in the left pane, and select a report with data you want to save in a custom dashboard.
  2. Above the report table, on the upper right, select Save and then select Add to Dashboard.

    If the report does not contain data, or if the Save option is not available, then you cannot add it to a custom dashboard.

  1. Edit the report title (optional).
  2. Select Existing Dashboard or New Dashboard.

    • If you select Existing Dashboard, select a dashboard from the drop-down list.
    • If you select New Dashboard, enter a name for the new custom dashboard.

    You see a message confirming that the dashboard has been added to your custom dashboard.

  3. Select View to open the custom dashboard or Dismiss to close the message.

For more information, see Custom dashboards.